We are a research group in School of Electronics Engineering at Kyungpook National University.
We investigate artificial intelligence (AI) by understanding the underlying mechanisms of the brain. In particular, we develop novel deep learning algorithms that mimic the neurons in the brain and apply state-of-the-art deep learning architectures to analyze diverse empirical data. We are also interested in investigating natural language processing and computer vision that lead the AI research field (see our Research).
We have a lab GitHub page to share our lab stuff including lab website, code, research projects, and etc. Please visit our lab GitHub to get more information.
We are grateful for funding from Kyungpook National University (KNU), National Reserach Foundation of Korea (NRF), and LG Electronics.
A paper has been accepted in IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics link
Dec 2024학부생 양재모, Computers in Biology and Medicine 논문 게재승인
July 2024석사과정 이지훈, 학사과정 민윤홍 김휘동 ACM Multimedia 2024 국제학회 논문 게재 승인 link
April 2024석사과정 전승빈, 교육부 석사과정생 연구장려금 지원사업 선정 link
December 2023석사과정 이승훈, IEEE Access 논문게재 link
October 2023학부생 이희원, 민윤홍 제1회 고영 인공지능 경진대회 우승 link